

发布日期:2024-09-12 作者: 阅读:

肖波涛 教授














1. 周雨乐,高媛媛,肖波涛*,盐离子、聚乙二醇与力对双根DNA 扭转的影响,医用生物力学,2023

2. K. Zhou^, Y. Liu^, K. Li^, Y. Li, S. Wei, Y. Zhou, H. Yu, Y. Zhang, J. Lv, B. Xiao*, and C. Zhong*. Force spectra of a single CsgA molecule and amyloid nanofibers assembled from chimeric Mfp5 and CBD proteins: Implications for nanomaterial testing machine, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5, 1758-1766, 2022

3. L. Zhou, Q. Lei, J. Guo, Y. Gao, J. Shi, H. Yu, J. Cao, W. Yin, B. Xiao, J. Andreo, R. Ettlinger, C. Brinker, S. Wuttke, and W. Zhu, Long-Term Whole Blood DNA Preservation by Cost-Efficient Cryosilicification, Nature Communications, 2022

4. 龙泉,杨俊贤,肖波涛*,林蒋国*,逆锁键调控野生型和功能增强型ADAMTS13VWF A2结构域的相互作用,医用生物力学,2022

5. T. Xiong^, B. Xiao^, Y. Wu, Y. Liu, Q. Li. Upregulation of the Long Non-coding RNA LINC01480 Is Associated With Immune Infiltration in Coronary Artery Disease Based on an Immune-Related lncRNA-mRNA Co-expression Network, Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2022

6. K. Ding, Y. He, J. Wei, S. Fu, J. Wang, Z. Chen, H. Zhang, Y. Qu, K. Liang, X. Gong, L. Qiu, D. Chen, B. Xiao*, H. Du*. A score of DNA damage repair pathway with the predictive ability for chemotherapy and immunotherapy is strongly associated with immune signaling pathway in pan-cancer, Frontiers in Immunology, 2022

7. M. Zhang, A. Li, Q. Yao, B. Xiao*, H. Zhu*. Pseudomonas oligotrophica sp. nov., a Novel Denitrifying Bacterium Possessing Nitrogen Removal Capability Under Low Carbon–Nitrogen Ratio Condition, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022

8. Y. Gao, H. Yu, J. Tian, and B. Xiao*. Nonenzymatic DNA-Based Fluorescence Biosensor Combining Carbon Dots and Graphene Oxide with Target-Induced DNA Strand Displacement for microRNA Detection, Nanomaterials, 11, 26081-260812, 2021

9. M. Zhang, A. Li, S. Xu, M. Chen, Q. Yao, B. Xiao*, and H. Zhu*. Sphingobacterium micropteri sp. nov. and Sphingobacterium litopenaei sp. nov., isolated from aquaculture water, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 71, 11, 2021

10. Q. Zeng^, Y. Gao^, H. Yu^, W. Zhu, Q. Wang, Q. Long, Z. Fan, and B. Xiao*. Stick, stretch, and scan imaging method for DNA and filaments, RSC Advances, 11, 36060-36065, 2021

11. J. Lv^, Y. Li^, K. Zhou^, P. Guo, Y. Liu, K. Ding, K. Li, C. Zhong*, and B. Xiao*. Force spectra of single bacterial amyloid CsgA nanofibers, RSC Advances, 10:21986, 2沙巴体育官网

12. B. Xiao, M.M. McLean, X. Lei, J.F. Marko, and R.C. Johnson. Controlled rotation mechanism of DNA strand exchange by the Hin serine recombinase, Scientific Reports, 6:23697, 2016

13. B. Xiao*, B.S. Freedman^, R. Heald, and J. F. Marko. Histone H1 compacts DNA under force and during chromatin assembly, Molecular Biology of the Cell, 23, 4864-71, 2012

14. B. Xiao, C. Tong, X. Jia, R. Guo, S. Lü, Y. Zhang, R.P. McEver, C. Zhu, and M. Long. Tyrosine Replacement of PSGL-1 Reduces Association Kinetics with P- and L-Selectin on the Cell Membrane, Biophysical Journal, 103, 777-85, 2012

15. B. Xiao^*, H. Zhang^, R.C. Johnson, and J.F. Marko. Force-driven unbinding of proteins HU and Fis from DNA quantified using a thermodynamic Maxwell relation, Nucleic Acids Research, 39, 5568-77, 2011

16. B. Xiao*, R.C. Johnson, and J.F. Marko. Modulation of HU-DNA interactions by salt concentration and applied force, Nucleic Acids Research, 38, 6176-85, 2010

17. L. Wu^, B. Xiao^, X. Jia, Y. Zhang, S. Lü, J. Chen, and M. Long. Impact of carrier stiffness and microtopology on two-dimensional kinetics of P-selectin and P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) interactions, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282, 9846-54, 2007


1 主持,国家自然科学基金面上项目,以整合素为靶向的多肽免疫药物的高通量单分子研究, 2018-2021

2 主持,华南理工大学人才引进基金,2017-2022



5.主持中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目,VWF 的单分子研究,2014-2015


7.参与,美国National Institutes of Health, Multidisciplinary Structures at Vascular Cell Surfaces, 2011-2016

8.参与,美国National Institutes of Health, DNA Information and Organization at Supranucleosomal Scales, 2009-2014

9.参与,The Chicago Biomedical Consortiumthe Searle Funds at the Chicago Community Trust, 2008-2011

10.参与,美国National Science Foundation, Self-organization, Molecular Mechanics, and Catalytic Functions of Nucleoprotein Complexes Studied Using Single-DNA Micromanipulation, 2008-2011

11.参与,美国National Science Foundation, Statistical Mechanics of DNA-Protein Interactions and Chromosome Organization, 2007-2011




1. 肖波涛,刘洋,一种亚纳米光学检测系统及其检测方法,2沙巴体育官网10629503.0,授权日2022.1.10

2. 张明霞, 肖波涛, 臧毅, 朱红惠, 吴清平, 李安章, 陈猛, 徐帅帅, 一种好氧反硝化菌及其应用,2沙巴体育官网11379389.7,授权日2022.6.14

3. 肖波涛,谭波,周楷,熊厅,吕婧淇,刘家韵,一种多通道流动腔及磁镊复合检测系统和方法,201910491793.4,授权日2021.03.30

4. 肖波涛,杨会莹,吕婧淇,丁珂,一种多通道单蛋白磁镊测控方法和系统,201810403844.9,授权日2沙巴体育官网.1.14

5. 肖波涛,符青山,一种压电驱动测量跟踪方法、系统及使用方法,201410359037.3,授权日2017.03.08

6. 肖波涛,符青山,一种磁镊和光镊测控系统,201410627408.1,授权日2017.02.15

7. 肖波涛,一种磁镊装置,201410375357.8,授权日2016.12.07

8. 肖波涛,符青山,一种微管和光镊测控系统,201410451626.4,授权日2016.12.07

9. 肖波涛,符青山,一种旋转球风机,201420751941.4,授权日2015.6.10

10. 肖波涛,白慧玲,符青山,一种多通道光学检测系统, 201510069887.4,授权日2017.12.12

11. 肖波涛,王正明,一种过滤膜,车载空调以及汽车,201420434274.7授权日2014.12.3

12. 肖波涛,符青山,一种密封门装置, 201420380991.6,授权日2014.11.26

13. 肖波涛,王正明,白慧玲,一种电机转速控制方法、系统及装置, 201410653611.6,授权日2018.1.5

14. 肖波涛,李鹏,一种新风系统,201410307507.1,授权日2017.2.8

15. 肖波涛,符青山,一种磁镊和光镊测控系统, 201410627408.1,授权日2017.2.15

16. 肖波涛,王正明,一种悬挂式隔振光学平台装置, 201410445360.2,授权日2017.9.1






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